JENNY LIVE ON Z105.5 @ 8am--World coffee supply threatened

Crisis looms as a shortage in the world's coffee supply becomes imminent. Jenny Lou Drew will be waking up at the approximate hour of 5:30am tomorrow morning and Thursday commuters are on high alert as her impending consumption threatens to double the price of a Joe-to-Go.

Authorities will be at the ready, staking out DD drive-throughs along her predicted route from Augusta to Auburn in the early hours of July 9, 2015. She is said to be dangerously ravenous for buckets of French roast and community members are advised to avoid approaching her if spotted.

The danger is expected to subside by 8:00am when she will go LIVE on the air on Z105.5 FM's Breakfast Club with Matty B.. You can then tune in safely for your morning commute or listen online at or by way of the TuneIn app.

Matty B. & Jenny Lou will chat about the new album, now available at BullMoose Lewiston-Portland-Scarborough-Brunswick, spin a couple of tracks and perform a live tune or two.

Tune in on your way to work, if you aren't sore about Starbucks being all dried up.